September 19, 2013

Baby's First Year

I'm currently reading a book titled:  The Sh!t No One Tells You, A Guide to Surviving Your Baby's First Year, by Dawn Dais.

I don't need to know about baby's first year.  I've lived it, and survived it with Little B, with all the tears and laughs that came with it (at first, mostly tears, eventually followed by laughs).  I'm reading this book because it seems amusing, and I feel like commiserating, contemplating, and reflecting on how I survived Little B's first year of life, and how I'm surviving through Little N's first year of life.

I have to say that the pain and emotional toil of recovering from childbirth, and adjusting to raising a newborn baby hit me like a one-ton truck.  I expected pain, and I expected lack of sleep, but my expectations on the type of pain and how much pain I would feel were grossly under-estimated.  I also figured that my lack of sleep would be kind of like staying up until 2 AM, and then waking at 6 or 7AM, but it was much worse than that.

This book, The Sh!t No One Tells You, is a funny read.  It's a reader's digest version of how your life and body will be affected after having a baby.  The struggles of breastfeeding, the pain and recovery from having pushed a watermelon out of your body, the unimaginable amount of wake-time you will experience, the lowered-bar as to what is considered "clean" in your house...  There are so many things about childbirth and about being a parent to a newborn that nobody tells you, so as not to "scare" you.  I've always wondered "Why didn't anyone tell me about this???"  Well, pick up a copy of The Sh!t No One Tells You, A Guide to Surviving Your Baby's First Year, and you MIGHT be just a teensy bit more prepared (just a touch).

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