September 19, 2013

Music Class(es) Follow-Up

Day One:

As expected, Little B's first music class resulted in tears when the parents left the room.  The quivering lip and whine turned full-force into a wail as I left the room and waved goodbye, with a happy smile on my face.  Teacher Sherry picked up Little B and comforted her.  The door shut, as she was still wailing, and I gave out a laugh and sigh.

"Oh she'll get over it" one of the parents sympathized with me.

Still grinning, "Oh I expected this.  I know she'll be fine!"

And with that, I plunked myself onto the nearest comfy chair and took out my book... Austenland by Shannon Hale.  It was quite the enjoyable read.  Light-hearted, funny... not as much sarcasm as I hoped for, but it was a nice read to pass the 40-ish minutes or so.

Husband was with me, as was Little N.  Hubby took Little N for a nice walk in the warmish sun.

40-ish minutes pass, and the kids come "screaming" out of the room, yelling "BOOO!" to all the parents waiting outside.  Oh no!  I forgot the time, I thought, as I scrambled up to reach the door before Little B noticed that I wasn't eagerly waiting for her.

"Moooommy! I missed you!"  She comes yelling to hug my legs.  I am further amused by her.

Inside the classroom the kids and parents, with shoes off, sit on the mats and listen to Teacher Sherry's explanation of what the lesson was, that first day.  A little sing-songy back and forth began, with just a few of the kids joining in, and then it was goodbye.  Little B clung to me, like I might just abandon her in that classroom again.

Day Two:

Little B was happy, although still a little apprehensive to be going to music class today.  There were no tears when it was time for the parents to leave the room.

Today, Husband was at work, and it was now just me and Little N, alone for 40-ish minutes.  I walked and pushed the stroller while he stared and kicked his feet in baby-eagerness.  There wasn't much to see outside... Another building where other programs were being held, an immaculately kept lawn-bowling field, two maintenance workers who were maintaining the lawn-bowling facility, parking lots, a road...  Little N found it all exciting.  I was quickly running out of places to walk.

I parked the stroller at the community centre's Tot Lot, unbuckled Little N and held him snugly in my lap.  Little N was definitely too little to be playing in a Tot Lot, but at least he and I could breathe some fresh air and look about outside.  A choppy conversation began between myself and another mom from the music class.  Is your kid in the music class?  How old?  How old is your other kid? Is this the first time she's taken this class?  blah blah KID, blah blah Baby.  After many awkward silences and even more awkward conversation, I decided to walk about some more, until "pick-up" time.

This time, I kept an eye on the time, and stood waiting at the door for Little B and the other kids to come pouring out of the classroom.  Little B came running out of the room, straight for me, arms out for a big hug.  "Mooommy!!"

Parents and kids all piled into the room again, shoes off, sitting on matts.  Little B insisted on sitting on my lap, or sitting as close to me as possible.  The whining began.

Mommy, I'm hungry.  Mommy, I want to go home.  Mommy, I'm tired.  Can we go?  Mommy, it's too loud.  Hands over ears the entire time we are sitting.  Big sigh from me.  Amused look on my face.

All this, while Teacher Sherry was recapping the lesson.

Lesson over.  Can I play on the playground???

Oy.  Ok Little B.  Just for a few minutes.

I expect Lesson 3 to be an even greater improvement, and I hope that the whining will subside by Lesson 4.  Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best!

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