September 27, 2013

Solo Time

If I didn't have any solo time, I'd go nuts - some time to mentally (or physically) to unwind.  However, the time I have to physically have alone time is very limited.  Leaving the house to the kids and husband, is, at most times, not an option.  Therefore, my alone times involve catching a few moments behind a locked door, hiding in a closet (and yes I've done this a few times), and many times just focusing on the computer screen while Little B is fixated on an activity and Baby N is napping.

Wait... Hiding in a closet???  Yes, I have a tendency to hide in the closet.  I don't do this often, but I do it when I can't catch any breaks, and when I'm about to break, and only for 2 or 3 minutes at the most.  Little B always finds me anyway.  When we are all at home, Little B is my sidekick - my constant sidekick.  When I'm not in sight, she comes looking for me.  Mom, where are you?  Are you here?  Are you here Mommy?  I can't find you!  Where are you?  Are you here?  No??  Are you here??  Where are you Mommy??  Moooommy?!!!  And moments later.  Moooommmy!!  I FOUND YOU!!!!  And then... Can I hide now Mommy?  You see?  It's a fun game for Little B, and a bit of a reprieve for me.  Hide and seek with a toddler is actually fun.  All hiding spots, no matter how obvious are funny places, to Little B.  I could be a giant lump under a blanket, and Little B would be giggling away at my hiding spot.  The closet is the best though, because for some reason, it's usually the last place she checks.

In any case, this week, we didn't play Hide and Seek.  This week I actually got some REAL Solo-Time!  I was sooo happy and grateful to the Husband.

The first solo time of the week was the library.  Earlier this week I visited the library, on my own, in the evening.  I didn't spend much time there, possibly only 15 minutes inside, but it was 15 minutes of quiet and full immersion into something else, other than my own children.  The drive to and from the library added about another 15 minutes.  That's 30 minutes of me-time.  I really enjoyed it, and wished to stay in the library longer, only that would not be fair to Husband.  I was only picking up a few books, and the kiddo's bedtimes were nearing.

My second solo-time of the week was last night.  I met a friend for tea/coffee at a Starbucks after the kids were in bed.  I was out for about 1.5 hours, chit-chatting and catching up.  I had a very nice time, socializing, outside of my family unit, and worried less about the kids at home (with the husband) since I knew that the kids were (or should have been) sound asleep.  When I returned home, I did find, in fact, that the kids stayed asleep and did not wake while I was gone.

My next solo-time will be tonight.  Shopping with my Twin.  What are we looking for?  Dresses for a daytime wedding.  The most recent daytime dresses that I've worn, for weddings, were maternity dresses.  I'm now back to my pre-pregnant weight, so I won't be able to wear my maternity dresses anymore.  Time to shop, and time to update my wardrobe!  We are also on the hunt for kiddie clothes, and whatever good deals we can find.  I'm very excited.  My Twin and I have not shopped together, without kids or husbands, in an extremely long time - for at least 3.5 years!!  Yikes!!  We CAN annoy each other though, so I hope that doesn't happen, and that we have a fun time shopping-sans-family!

That is a LOT of solo-time this week, and I am very grateful.  Hubby gets solo-time too, though.  He gets movie-nights, and Breaking Bad nights.  Both of us are now getting to be a lot more comfortable, and being more relaxed about allowing each other more "me" time, since now Baby N is no longer a newborn, and is much easier to handle.


izzie's noteBook said...

Breaking bad night? Did you mean that he sat somewhere to watch the show? Or it is some game I've never heard?

frodowm. said...

He'd drive over to his parents' house to watch it! He'd go over right after the kiddos were put into bed though, but it's still a bit of time he can have to himself (away from us). :)