November 04, 2015

Can it get worse?? YES!


OMG, the kids have LICE!!!!

How?  What?  Where??  WHAAAAA??  Crisis mode and panic ensues!

I literally screamed when I saw the first louse in my oldest child's hair.  I screamed and took a jump back, because honestly, I was in denial that my child had any lice.

That happened one week ago.  And that is when we began the hair treatments.  Since then, I've been combing both kids hair everyday with a lice comb, while their hair is saturated in thick hair conditioner.  My husband tells me that we are winning the war, but every time I pull out a louse, I feel an emotional and psychological toll on myself, this disbelief and wonder as to whether the lice will ever go away!  Week two of treatments begin tomorrow, and in a few days we will be treating the kids hair again with the Nyda spray.  I will relish the day when we find zero lice in the kids hair!!

So what do the kids think of this daily combing?  My Kindergartener understands that there are bugs living in her hair, that need to be combed out.  I have no idea if my 2 year old really understands what is going on, but he enjoys watching Youtube while we comb through his hair.  For the past week, the two kids have been watching lots and lots and lots of Youtube.  And for the past week, I've been feeling very itchy all over my scalp, despite that I have no lice on my head!  I am glad that both my husband and I are lice-free, but I'd be happier if my kids didn't have any at all, too!!!

1 comment:

izzie's noteBook said...

so sorry to hear that! It takes time and a lot of patience. I heard that it is super easy to pick up lice at elementary school.