October 21, 2015

Toddler Health

For the past few months little N's digestive system hasn't been up to par, so for several weeks we've started an elimination diet.  Firstly we've eliminated all dairy and egg sources, therefore no muffins, cookies, or other baked goods that contain egg or dairy.  There's been no improvement.  

We are now cutting out soy products.  No soy-anything, which I am finding sad and difficult to do in his diet.  This limits his Asian food, and even more (store-bought) baked items, since right now he is also avoiding egg and dairy everything.  I am so glad that he likes rice, though, because that will be his go-to starch from now on (if it wasn't already).

To accommodate his new diet, I am now baking him "special" foods.  Special muffins, special cake, special cookies, etc..  I am hoping that he is young enough that he doesn't feel that he is left out of too much eating choices.  So what is special about these homemade baked items?  I substitute everything... substitute the egg, dairy, and milk.  My kitchen now has an assortment of vegan items, like vegan butter blocks for baking, vegan butter-type spread, even some vegan muffins since they contain no dairy or egg.

We began this diet on Monday, and it should be done for a full two weeks, for us to notice a difference.  If there is no difference, then we move onto the next elimination.  I am hoping that the issue is soy, because the next elimination will be even more tough.  Keep your fingers crossed that we figure this out soon!

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