April 30, 2014


I'm the Queen of Procrastination, as my husband will tell you.  If something needs to be done by the end of the month, I will wait until it is the end of the month, and do it the day before.  This includes buying and wrapping presents, washing dishes and general cleaning of the house... and taxes.  Oh taxes, how you are my frenemy!  I enjoy doing taxes... it's quite easy to do, especially with all the various tax software that you can choose from.  Doing my taxes on my own, makes me feel like I can sort of do Math (something I've never been very good at).  You might have guessed by now, that we've waited until the end of the month to complete our taxes... officially done and sent!  Yippee??  Another year done... decades more to go of filing taxes (or at least, I hope I live for a few more decades!).

I'm in a shrugging mood.  Dishes done? Small yay.  Laundry done?  Meh, okay.  Taxes done?  Okay, now we wait for next year again.  What I really need is a thrilling, unusual accomplishment.  Putting your head inside the head of a lion??  WOW, now that is super-cool!  

Life is not dull, though in the frodowm-household.  There are thrills and joys here, but not the same type of thrills and joys that my younger-single-no-family-self would have dreamed about.  "OMG, the toddler is WALKING", does not have the same ring as "OMG, I'm spelunking in a cave in Hawaii!"  This is the path that I've chosen though, and I have zero regrets.  A path with a husband and two kids, living the suburban day-to-day life with a mortgage and minimal spending power.

How strange it seems, to find accomplishment in being able to file your own taxes, though.  Menial, dull, and satisfying.  Alas, that's the way of life!

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