March 21, 2014

A Long-Awaited Post (sort of)

It's been months since my last post.  Since then, my oldest Sis has returned from New Zealand with tales, and souvenirs from Middle Earth.  Sis #2 has also returned for a 1 week visit, sporting a fashionable belly bump!  And Twin Sis's family and my family are suffering and/or recovering from a miserable virus that is mostly affecting the kiddos.  Oh Joy!!  Oh, and last but not least, BIL and family have returned from Japan, with many pics and videos of a family wedding/reunion.

On the home-front, we've had our confirmation from our Allergist, that Baby N is indeed allergic to cow's milk protein.  Recently we've also learned of his allergy to eggs when we fed him scrambled eggs, one evening, for dinner.  The results were miserable.  The solution - avoid feeding the kiddo any cow's milk or egg - and carry an epipen and Claritin/Benadryl at all times as these are "life-threatening" allergies.  Sadness for all of us.

The bright spot to this, is that cooking the proteins at high temperatures, for a lengthy period of time, alters the protein enough that Baby N will tolerate it.  This means, he can have baked goods, with no reaction.  However, stove-top cooking is NOT enough to change the protein.  It must be at a high temperature for a lengthy period of time.  At least Baby N is not allergic to wheat/gluten!  We have not tested him for any additional allergies, though, including strawberries, shellfish, or nuts.  We'll just play it safe for now, since his older sis B was allergic to strawberries and shellfish when she was a babe.

At least we now have answers, and we know what can be safely fed to the little guy.  We also have hope that these allergies will be outgrown, eventually.  When, exactly, is a mystery, but hopefully he will outgrow them before he reaches 2-digit numbers in age!

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