October 28, 2013

My October

It's been a month since I posted anything, and in that time, one of my sisters got married, Thanksgiving passed, and Halloween is just a few days away.

In personal news, Little N has one more tooth with another emerging (we think), and Husband has another (more desired) job which enables him to work from home.  As a result, we are in the process of setting up a proper work-at-home office, and re-organizing all of our accumulated junk (which means we just re-organize and re-box, and place into another room).  Having Husband work from home also means that the routine that I've set up for myself and the kids will now have to be tweaked to accommodate Daddy being home and not being at home (aka working in the office).

Overall, October has been a very good month to us.  Positive and celebratory events within the family, fun activities with the kids, and awesome weather to accompany it all.

I'm currently preparing pumpkin seeds in the oven, waiting to prep some spaghetti squash, and will continue to re-organize our space throughout the day.

It should be a productive day!

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