March 24, 2013

Chocolate-Gorging Holiday!

I love how blogs can evolve in design and format.

I love playing with layouts and graphics, only I know that too much change can just be irritating to readers.  However, I've updated the background on this blog, for seasonal purposes.  Also, Little B was watching me in the Layout mode of this blog, and she squealed at all the background options that popped up.  She wanted to see the "ducks".  She literally said "I want to see Ducks!!" and laughed in delight.  I admit that Little B is the Boss of me, so of course I obliged.  The background image is now of "Ducks!"

In any case, Easter is arriving, and I'm somewhat happy to say that Little B will not be partaking in this chocolate-gorging season/holiday.  We don't even need to limit her consumption; Little B simply doesn't like chocolate.

Chocolate-Rejection Examples

  1. Little B has, on more than one occasion, licked a spoonful of chocolate ice-cream, and said "I don't like it".  She asked for Vanilla.
  2. She rejects Chocolate Chip Cookies, or any Chocolate-type cookies - although I think that's due to her being unfamiliar with chocolate chips.
  3. She rejects Chocolate Cake.  She's tried Chocolate Cake, but then spits it out saying "I don't like it".
  4. Today, she took a nice big bite of a brownie, chewed on it, and promptly spit it out.  She said "I don't like it."  (I don't like it, is her favourite rejection phrase).
Little B is a picky eater.  Very picky.  But at least, we don't have to worry about her becoming addicted, or developing cravings for chocolate.  That just leaves a little more chocolate for Hubby and I.  :)


izzie's noteBook said...

really? I thought the background was chicks! But the new design just matches up with the beautiful spring season. (I like the older one, too.)

frodowm. said...

Oh yes, they are chicks, but Beth yelled out "DUCKS" so I called them ducks in the post. :)

Unknown said...

very cute!

Unknown said...

BTW: time to update your "About Me"?

No mention of "Little N"!

frodowm. said...

Thanks! i updated the About Me, to add Little N! :)