Stanley Park is a mess - millions of trees have fallen down. Big deal! Trees are renewable, and little seedlings will fall from the trees and plant themselves into soil for regrowth. I bet that almost 1 million dollars has been donated to re-forest Stanley Park. But... wouldn't that money be better spent to get rid of the pine beetle in the interior?? Or wouldn't it be better spent to help the needy by creating additional rooming houses? The pine beetle is a greater threat to the environment, than wind-knocked trees! In fact, the deadwood will help life to spring up again, in the form of new habitat for animals, and helping the soil to fertilize, and to help seedlings spring up.
Granted, Stanley Park looks different now - and the trees aren't so thick but anyone who's taken basic Geography classes in high school should know that it's not such a disaster. It's only considered a disaster because the park is in a city full of spoiled tree-huggers - people who want their trees lush and gigantic in the city and who have no thought whatsoever about trees plagued by pine beetles elsewhere which are literally standing deadwood - pine beetles who are even a greater menace to our natural habitat than some fallen trees. I don't want any of my municipal or provincial tax money to reforest Stanley Park. I'd rather have my money spent on combating homelessness. Soon, someone will decide that the wildlife of Stanley Park will need a sanctuary during the "re-building" of Stanley Park. Our local billionaire JP should donate money to a more useful cause, than this.
Really? Millions of trees have fallen down??? Seems inflated to me. But they are old trees, and yes, that's why people are so upset. Stanley Park is not "out of sight, out of mind," unlike many of the other forests in the province.
And uh....yeah, pine beetles anyone???? Lets try to fix that first, please.
Once again with the Interior... It's like your from that lame town of Trail or something. Anyways in all seriousness we do need to get those tress that have fallen out of there ASAP due to the homeless people that live there (safety) and definetly need a major cleanup of these trees before the summer as it will become a huge forest- fire hazard.
Remember: Rich people live near Stanley Park.... nobody of relavance lives in the Interior.
War the pine bettle causing havoc in Stanley Park so that something is done about this little menace.
War JP donating money to better causes like the Olympics. datrash
Stanley Park has a helipad on it's premises owned by the Canadian Navy, and is used rarely, once every few years. Each time it's used there are always calls of complaint although residents already know it exists. Imagine in 2010 when the helipad will be used to fly dignitaries almost everyday for 2 weeks...
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