January 24, 2006

MINORITY conservative government

YAY MINORITY (not the Conservative bit, though), but I'm happy that because the conservatives are in, it's now a MINORITY rule. They'll have less power to turn the country into a right-wing Evangelical Christian holy land.

But judging by the electorates, Alberta could become such a place very easily - all 22 Conservative electorates in Alberta were voted in - not one Liberal, NDP, Green, or Independent had any chance of winning. It was funny watching Global on tv last night, they called Alberta the blue province - is BLUE the AMerican Red?? Alberta is the blue state?? Err, red state??? whatever.

I'm happy to hear that BC was the most "scared" of the Conservative Party, and Quebec being the second most "scared'. The two provinces fell into the "anything-but-Harper" camp. This means that in BC, the NDP seats doubled from 5 to 10, and Liberals actually picked up 1 more seat, and the rest was Conservative. Quebec tended to vote Liberal or Bloc (50 seats).

anyway, i wonder how a minority Conservative government will rule. I mean, this is the party that combined the Reforms, Progressive Conservatives, then Alliance all in one. The extreme right to moderate right are all combined together, AND they have to appease a very large opposition by ruling moderately - no introducing any abortion bills, and they BETTER NOT REPEAL OR REVERSE gay marriage laws!!!

I'm secretly hoping that now that the Conservatives are in power, AND they are forced to rule moderately, that they will split up again, and form two right wing parties - the extreme right, and right-centre. I think that IF there was still a right-centre party, instead of an all-encompassing right party, more people would've voted right (right-centre, I mean). Heck, I probably would've been able to be persuaded to vote right-centre.

Well, let's see what becomes of this. Let's see how they handle the softwood lumber case since they've been such critics of the Liberals - honestly, I don't think they'll do any better! Let's see how they will appease the US (because let's face it, the conservatives think that the ONLY friend that is worth having is the US). Let's see if they try to form alliances with the Bloc when introducing bills. Let's see how right they are willing to go, and what they do to healthcare. Everyone in Canada is now watching the new government. They better act carefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stu's opinion: Harper has a big problem. By not winning enough seats with the NDP, which would have been a bizarre yet intersting compromise if done properly, the Conservatives will be able to pass very little of their adjenda. The other left-center and left parties will stall their right wing ideas at every turn unless Harper gives in. And if he does this too much he could lose his original base which voted him in. This is a bad situation for him and will strike and another election in probably the summer or fall of 2007. As for sofwood lumber he will bend over for BUSH as best he can. Mind you I would bend over backwards for some bush myself. haha Dont think he can touch the health care issue much as the other parties should stop him. Here's to 1.5 years of no bills passed (except GST cut, which is mainly for the rich as they buy the most shit. and the federal accountability act which makes it tougher to be a political criminal, until the loopholes are found). His weak $1200 child care credit should pass as well but that's about it. Cheers to Canada and the Liberals who have made this country more divided than ever. Prediction: The Liberals with their new and untainted leader will win a minority next election due to the fact that Harper will get nothing done(see above) and he will get blamed for doing nothing even though it isnt really his fault. He has NO POWER. da trash is out