January 09, 2007

Feeling better

Feeling better now. I realize there's nothing you can do about what's past, and you can only look to the present, and look forward to what's coming. Well, despite the rough start to 2007, I have a lot to look forward to throughout the rest of the year.

  1. Lose weight / get fit - as usual. I failed at this task in 2006. 2007 will be better, since I now have a very specific goal.
  2. Drink less coffee - as usual. My caffeine addiction yo-yo's depending on my mood. It's all psychological.
  3. *new* Save more money, for obvious reasons. Resolution #2 will help me out a bit.
  4. Don't buy breakfast as often on a workday - which will force me to wake earlier and eat breakfast at home. Unfortunately I don't like early mornings so this will be tough. Resolution #4 also ties into Resolution 2 and 3.
  5. Eat until full - and never continue to stuff yourself. Well, unless it's the rare all-you-can-eat dinner or lunch.
  6. Consume more calcium - pill form and liquid form.
In any case, why do people create Resolutions? I guess it's to make yourself feel better about yourself, and to give yourself goals to reach for throughout the year. I never believed in Resolutions before, but I think it really does help you in self-discipline and self-improvement.


Monkey said...

I don't think of the goals I make for myself as "Resolutions." I just have goals - they seem much smaller, don't need to be made at the beginning of the new year, and I'm serious about them. "Resolutions" just doesn't have the same feeling to me.

Anonymous said...

Glad you feel better... but hearing about how you feel is making me sick. As for you resolutions this is how they will pan out.

A) Lose Weight/ Get Fit. Unlikely as you are an extremely lazy ass. uh-oh i think this is the start of something brutal.

B) Drink less coffee.
This will probably happen as you will switch to Malt Liquer.

C) Save more money.
To spend on a lavish wedding. At least marriage appreciates over time.... like a corked wine.

D) Dont buy breakfast so often.
Yeah but you can resist the McGriddle.

E) Eat until full.
Fuck that follow your american counterparts. Eat til' you need gastro-bypass surgery.

F) Consume more calcium.
This means you will become really obese by eating a lot of cheese

P.S. Resolutions do jack shit basically because most people come up with them when they are drunk on new years eve. Also resolutions are a lot like dieting... you never follow though.