August 05, 2006


I'm very unnerved by a gigantic spider I saw, outside the door of my place.

The size of my hand.

It was very black.

And it looked vicious.

And it jumps.

So what did I do??

Of course, fear entered me. Adrenaline shot through me. And I reached for my broom, and went after the jumping spider, which, I believe, escaped.

How?? I think it crawled into a crack in the cement (or hid somewhere), as I aimlessly and blindly stabbed at the cement with my straw broom. After my blind stabbing etc., there was no sign of spider guts. So I knew. It still lurks near my doorway. I thus, stealthily, crept down my basement stairs, broom in hand, slowly opened the screen door (in case it was hiding between the storm door and basement door). Peeked around, unlocked the door, placed my broom within reaching distance, and as quickly as possible, scrambled inside (in case the spider decided to crawl in after me), and shut the door fast. Whew! Made it!

But now...

I feel like I'm trapped inside the house...

What will I do tomorrow, if I encounter the jumping spider, as I open my door??

I know that I will scream.

And probably shut the door fast, again, so as not to let the spider jump inside.

And then I will debate... do I want to go outside today, with the spider on the other side of the door??

sigh. Tomorrow, I think... I may have to do some spider hunting.

and I will be scared crazy.

and I'll probably cry.

Because seriously...

I've never encountered a jumping spider that size before.

And I am incredibly incredibly frightened at the thought of it.

And left unnerved for the rest of the night.

I seriously hope I don't have nightmares.


Monkey said...

:( Oh no! Poor frodowm!! How about S? Can't he help???

Anonymous said...

way to go Little Miss Muffet. You should watch 8 Legged Freaks or Arachonphobia... that should make you feel better. datrash