August 01, 2006


I don't know about the McCarthy era, only that his time in the Senate was known as "The Second Red Scare". After watching "Good Night and Good Luck" I now realize how close the USA got to becoming 1984. It was an environment where neighbours feared each other. It's a time when citizens feared their own state for fear of being accused of being Red. Hearsay and rumour were enough to "convict" a suspect Red.

Well, the same thing is happening now in America, with the current president.
Hearsay and rumour (and/or very little evidence) is enough to "convict" a suspect, a terrorist. Look at how long the situation at Guantanamo Bay has been going on... since 2001. Far too long. How is it that the world stays complacent when the transparency of a government is painted opaque? There is no sense of justice to the majority of the public, when fairness is flushed down the toilet.

I believe in Justice. I believe that those who truly are a danger to society should be put away. I also believe that people have the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Places like Guantanamo Bay are violations to human rights. How can Western world powers fight against other oppressive powers, in the name of human rights, when the Western world is guilty of the same?


Monkey said...

It reminds me more of the Japanese internment camps in WWII. Everyone is a suspect and you have no rights, which Canada and US were both guilty of.

Anonymous said...

1984.... wasnt the McCarthy error.. oops I mean era in the fifties. yeah stupid joke I know.
Hearsay, Rumour and Propoganda forever and always. Fear drives people to do things that they never would... like give up their freedoms. Land of the Free.. unless your a citizen with a phone. Home of the Brave.. I think you tried to kill all the Indians when you started up the country. So I guess neither applies.

As for your final accusation/question.. we live in different times. Terrorism is to be fought at all costs no matter what the sacrifice and like the war on drugs and the war in Vietnam they will be the victors.

War the end of the Far Right wing adjendas in both the US and Canada. l8r datrash