June 09, 2006

Afraid to cross the street

I have to admit, that I get nervous/anxious when crossing the street at a particular intersection - at the place where I nearly got hit (see http://frodowm.blogspot.com/2006/05/pissed-off.html)

In fact, I will avoid crossing the street there, for the most part, and will walk an extra block out of my way, to cross somewhere else. How timid of me. If I do cross the street there, my heart races a little extra and sometimes I will break into a sweat. I don't like that. Whatever happened to my confident usual self?? I suppose I'm not my usual self these days.

I'm blogging about personal things now?? What happened to my rant on politics and other things?? Oh well.

Admittedly, having brain farts sometimes is nice.

1 comment:

frodowm. said...

Ah yes... Ann Coulter... I was gonna rant about her but decided she wasn't worth the effort. I too believe she is a grandstander and will say anything to sell books and get her name in the paper. Each time she says something outrageous makes her less and less credible, and will eventually make all the right wing fanatics shun her because she's toooo extreme, tooo calculating, and agreeably, not human at all.

Bush is cuddly in comparison to Coulter.