May 17, 2006

Japan to start finger printing foreigners


Japan's cabinet has approved a plan to fingerprint and take photos of foreigners entering their country. They will store the information in their databases and will compare it to crime and terrorism databases, and domestic crime records, and will be stored for "an unspecified amount of time." Of course, the exceptions will be children 15 or younger, and state diplomats etc.. and permanent residents of Japan.

Japan is one of the most Xenophobic countries in the world. I think they've just made sure that less and less people would be willing to visit their country for fear of unjustified persecution, and/or fear of invasion of privacy.


Japan is a very homogenous country. In traditional culture, they prefer to marry Japanese, rather than foreigners. If a Japanese were to marry a foreigner, that non-Japanese spouse (like all other foreigners) will be refused Japanese citizenship. In addition, the children of those in mixed marriages will face harsh discrimination and teasing. Mixed marriages or mixed bloodlines in Japan are viewed as "polluted."

There is almost no immigration into that country, and declining birth rates. In a few hundred years, if the Japanese continue their xenophobic attitudes, their will be no Japanese at all.


Monkey said...

Don't forget U.S. also fingerprints all foreigners entering their country as well, with the exception of Canadians and Mexicans. Although, their policy stems from paranoia, and not xenophobia.

But yeah, Japan's got a strange culture....and I don't think I'll be visiting that country anytime soon....

frodowm. said...

Yep, and then there's the US. I agree that their policies are based more on paranoia. However, eventually it will create attitudes of xenophobia. Look at their policies on/against immigration already!

Anonymous said...

no more Japanese people.... you arent just sayin that to cheer me up are you signed Every Southern Red State. l8r datrash