May 26, 2006

Harping on Harper (again)

Harper is childish. If he doesn't like a question he ignores it. If he doesn't like someone he banishes them from press conferences. So much for freedom of speech. If Harper is able to control the media, he may as well become Editor of all the national papers so that he can hire and fire as he pleases. It's the job of the press to be critical, to question. If Harper cannot reasonably back-up his policies with satisfying answers, then he shouldn't have run for PM. All PMs need to be media savvy and people savvy. You obviously don't know WHY media is important - when they don't like you, when you insult them, when you restrict them, they will bite back with scathing editorials. That's what they do, and that's what you deserve. Let them do their job freely, and you will actually find that media scrutiny will die down somewhat. You are goading a pack of pitbulls. The higher the wall that you build, the more everyone wants in, and the more ruthless they will get to try to get inside.

Public doesn't care about spat with press gallery: Harper

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says most Canadians don't care about a dispute he's having with the national press gallery in Ottawa.

"I think frankly it's all inside Ottawa stuff," Harper told reporters in British Columbia.

The prime minister's office wants reporters in the Ottawa press gallery to sign onto a list. From that list, the Prime Minister's Office will decide who gets to ask a question at a news conference.

But the press gallery is refusing, insisting that they be allowed to choose who asks the questions.

On Wednesday, Harper said he'll no longer give news conferences for the parliamentary press gallery, after this dispute led a number of journalists to walk away from an event when he refused to take their questions.

"I don't ask to control the editorial policies of newspapers but we do set up our own press conferences," Harper said Thursday.

"I think history would indicate that we're very open to anyone who wants to ask a question. We keep a very complete list of all who request."

Harper has said from now on he will speak only to local media.

When asked if his feud with the press gallery is "childish," Harper responded that "I don't think it matters to people."


Monkey said...

Of course this matters to people!!

Doesn't matter what his intent is, it comes off as controlling, and even as fearful of public opinion, dissent, or of just simple questioning of his government!! He's got crazy communications and PR people if they tell him otherwise!!

Yep...Harper needs a reality check. Better yet, he needs to be booted out of office.

Anonymous said...

Harper is going to do what he wants because it isnt hurting him in the polls. In fact he is doing even better in Quebec since the election so I guess he thinks.. so what if I use George Bush tactics when it comes to media. Im still resonably popular. Good for our media though on walking out of the press conference. They need to take a stand. As for PM's needing to be media savvy... well I kind of disagree. Yeah it would be nice if everyone was like Trudeau (in terms of personality) but some people arent. If Harper is uncomfortable with the people then he should have a "press secretary" like person do most of the talking for him, while he can do what he does best... which is stay in the background, think in great detail, and then fuck the poor, minority groups and social programs as often as possible. Seriously though Harper should answer the media's questions in a respectful, forthcoming, and honest manner but does any politican do this anyways? stu