March 31, 2006


I get a raise!!!! Yay!!!! No word on what the actual deal is though. But at least I know there are actual whole numbers in the raises, unlike last time where for the last 4 years I received 0.5% raise! Can you tell I'm excited?? Well, just happy to finally get something! Sure, it's just a few extra dollars in my pocket, but who couldn't use the extra few dollars?

Speaking of extra few dollars... I spent some of my anticipated back-pay on a sewing machine! Yay! Now I can actually sew pillow-covers by machine, rather than hand, and work on other projects that I put on the back-burner!! AND I can get to work on re-upholstering my crumbling sofa chairs... replace the foam, etc. Some of my extra money wilil go towards little projects like that - at least it'll be cheaper than buying a whole new set of couches and cushions!

Today is definitely a FRIDAY! (teehee!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah i didnt know that you were skilled enough to get a raise. I assumed you were going to get fired soon. haha kidding u know who this is l8r