February 01, 2006

Urban Legends

Urban Legend 1:
The rumour that Timmy H's coffee is spiked with MSG or nicotine is false. Small doses of nicotine can be fatal and will cause sickness if not death, and therefore no food administration (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) would allow nicotine to be added to food or drinks. All you need is 60mg of nicotine to cause death, and seeing how much coffee some people can drink, well, a huge population of Canadians would've died by now.

As for MSG in drinks, CFIA necessitates the need to list msg in ANY food products because of the number of people who have allergies to msg. My oldest sis can probably attest to this, as she once worked for the CFIA, AND she has an allergy to msg and loves to drink Timmy H's coffee. I too, have a mild allergy to msg and would not be drinking it because it would be making me sick.

The NON-Urban Legend:
Scientology is weird. Everything that I've heard about it is weird. I thought that some of it was urban legend, and some of it true. However, upon doing some research I've discovered that ALL of it is true.

Scientologists have a habit of suing their critics so I won't critique them too much, lest a scientologist read my blog.

However, if you are curious about what Scientology involves do a google search and you'll find some wacky info about it. Or, just look it up on wikipedia.org.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that! Now that Tim's Coffee doesnt have MSG I'll stop drinking it. Mind you I dont drink coffee so it doesnt matter to me. As for Scientology I'll think I want to join. It's kind of hilarious and when I tell people the "alien" story of it's history people will think I'm nuts.
Wait.... they do already... ah fuck all religions. Oops I think I may have offened other sheep. Oh well. But seriously Christians for example who believe in their little story of Jesus walking on water or turning water into wine or feeding a god knows(HAHA) how many people on 5 loaves and 3 fishes or creating the world in 7 days yet time wasnt created til' either day 3 or 4 I forget, are supposed to say that Scientology is stupid or wrong. Anyways My opinion all religions have silly rediculous stories which are unbelievable.... but at least it doesnt involve aliens. Mind you Aliens are better that the new Pope Nazi (now I've offened Catholics) oh well. As for people who are religous who happen to read this dont be offended because I thank god everyday that I am an athiest. out da trash